Thursday, February 18, 2021

Moisture Problems :: Moisture Problems in Manufactured Housing

I’ve purchased mobile homes where my foot has gone through the floor when I perform this inspection. Soft spots in the floor are almost always caused by water leaks. When air seeps into your crawl space through the vents, it cools off. Because cold air can’t contain as much water as warm air, its relative humidity climbs.

moisture problems in manufactured homes

Or if it’s time to dive into more repairs, be sure to check out our mobile home repair guide. The thermostat of house 4 was not operating correctly and the air handler fan was always on. Moisture problems that can arise include extensive mold, soft wallboards, buckled floors, damaged wood molding and trim, and high relative humidity in the home. Frequently, these homes have high air conditioning costs as homeowners attempt to increase comfort by lowering the thermostat temperature.


This can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars depending upon the extent of the tampering. Excessive duct system leakage also prevented adequate moisture removal. Three houses that we investigated had a portion of the duct system completely disconnected. One had a return duct that failed and was pulling most of its air from the crawlspace, which pressurized the house.

moisture problems in manufactured homes

When changing the windows of your mobile home, it is important to properly measure them out and get the exact size as... Do your research before you decide how you want your house built. If you can find out the common causes of moisture problems in your area, then you can design your home to combat those problems effectively. HUD code manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, setup crews, and various code officials all struggle with moisture-related problems, especially those problems caused by moisture in the vapor form. Correct, simple, and to-the-point training materials and courses are needed to assist in the design, construction, operation, and diagnostics as it relates to moisture and moisture movement mechanisms. • The unit does not operate long enough to provide dehumidification.

Moisture Problems in Manufactured Housing

Now that you know some of the common causes of moisture problems in manufactured homes, you’re ready to hunt down the source of your moisture issues! Hopefully, you can also use some of the prevention tips to make your home more moisture-proof. Soon, you’ll be able to sit down, relax, and think about what project you’re going start on next!

These tips are really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to moisture problems in manufactured homes. If you are seeing drops of water dripping from your ceiling or running down your walls or windows, you want to start the hunt to see what is causing it and how it can be corrected. You can access many choices for online luxury property marketing and luxury project marketing in Gunzenhausen on LuxuryAbode. Digital luxury real estate marketing for Gunzenhausen properties on Luxury Abode aids in generating a good number of buyer leads for luxury properties in Gunzenhausen. Search and find the most sought after Gunzenhausen luxury homes with - Gunzenhausen.

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DETECTION – Visually inspect each window from the exterior and the interior. Look closely at the window seals to see if there is any rot visible. If there is surface damage or rot, the damage could be far worse inside the wall. Walk through the home and push hard on any exterior wall.

Most of the conditioned air was lost to the attic space.And one had the supply duct connecting the package air conditioning system to the house fall off at least three times within the first few months after being installed. Unfortunately, when a home leaves a factory there is little inspection of the home. Local code officials will usually look at electrical, plumbing, and septic hook-ups only. Next, walk through the home and step on every bit of flooring that you can. Especially around any exterior window or near any plumbing fixture.

Keep the Thermostat Set Above 75°F in Hot, Humid Climates

Many times these holes are never resealed, or just taped up; which typically comes loose over a short period of time. The under-floor insulation, as noted above, is held in place by a belly-wrap. This is usually a heavy gauge plastic sheeting that is stapled into the floor joists and keeps the insulation from falling out.

moisture problems in manufactured homes

This makes any water that may get under the home to run away from the home. Water pooling beneath the home is a major cause if failure with piers and tie-down systems. Damaged Skirting – Skirting is designed to keep the area below the home dry and critter free.

Whatever caused the pier to move or sink has not been corrected, and it will continue to do so in the future. Wiring – Wiring can be problematic if the home has had owner added additions and features where the wiring has been tapped into the original electrical panel. Luckily, it isn’t a terrible chore to replace sub-flooring in a mobile home..

moisture problems in manufactured homes

This helps keep out moisture as well as insects and other rodents from entering. In homes that are usually more than 20 years old, I find that the original air-handling unit inside the home is in poor condition, or is not working at all. I also find that the sheet metal ductwork underneath the home has developed air leaks at the connection junction to the air handler as well as the various floor vents throughout the home. All of this causes inefficiencies for the HVAC system.

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In high humidity climates, a lower setting could cause water to condense inside wall cavities.” Umm, OK, HUD, whatever you say……. Under that gorgeous manufactured home of yours, there should be a cement slab, gravel, or polyethylene sheeting that completely covers the ground so that moisture from the ground can’t become condensation that reaches your home. HUD states that “Equipment that is too large will turn on and off frequently, allowing humidity to build up indoors” and they seem to know what they’re talking about most of the time so we’ll leave it at that. Luckily, using ventilation fans during these fun daily activities will help a ton but be sure you keep them on for a bit after you are finished with your activity so the fan can pull as much moisture from the air as possible.

moisture problems in manufactured homes

Repair any missing insulation and belly-wrap underneath the home. This can be done by taking new plastic sheeting and spreading it over a much larger area than the damaged part. SOLUTION – If add-ons exist, look to see how the weight transfer next to the mobile home as designed. There should be load-bearing support posts outside of the mobile home to carry the weight of the structure down to the ground. If the proper load transfer system is not in place, this must be built to solve the problem. DETECTION – When walking through a mobile home, your sense of balance will help you determine if the floor sags or slopes.

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HVAC – Over time, previous owners often ad window a/c units because the original HVAC system was not cooling and heating properly. Sorting out the original system can be expensive, but is not difficult to tackle. You’ll definitely need to get the insulation replaced. I would contact an insulation company and check to see what they charge for the different types of insulation (rolls, spray, etc.). You will have to go up under the home to replace so this will be a labor-intensive job – if you can find family and friends to help that will save you a lot of money. The article says to keep the temperatuer at 75′ to avoid moisture from forming.

How can we get this taken care of and how can we find someone to do the work. Apparently, the writers of this HUD PDF has never been to Florida in August. Setting the air conditioner below 75 just doesn’t cut it sometimes. Filters should be cleaned or replaced a bit more often than most of us realize. HUD recommends that we consider using pleated filters for better dust control and better dehumidification. Before your home is set on it, look at your site to see if it’s been properly graded.

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